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What is the James Madison Academy for Educational Freedom?


The James Madison Academy for Educational Freedom is a parent-lead, faith based, homeschooling support group which offers a wide variety of classes through a “hybrid” drop off co-op program, family-oriented field trips and events, homeschooling support meetings, and fellowship with like-minded believers in Christ. The Academy originated as a result of local parents who were determined to find an alternative educational choice for their children that would provide a classical American educational experience with a Christian foundation. Students are free to interact, socialize and play in a safe, supportive environment so they can reach their fullest potential. The Academy was founded on a core conservative philosophy with a fundamental belief in freedom, as guaranteed by the US Constitution, guided by traditional Christian teachings and values. Our ultimate goal is to assist and support our member families in their pursuits toward homeschooling excellence.  We believe every family has the legal and constitutional right to home educate in NYS.


What does JMA stand for?


James Madison Academy is named after the fourth President of the United States. He composed the first drafts of the Bill of Rights and Constitution because of that he is known as the “father of the constitution."  James Madison was a strong believer in freedom of religion, speech, and press.


What kind of programs does JMA offer?


  • A weekly co-op style program with a total of three activity days per week. JMA is structured on 2, 12 week session blocks (Fall and Spring). Within our activity days, we take a hands-on/Montessori style integrated learning approach with students in combination with small learning group sizes to maximize student participation and learning. 
  • Regularly scheduled parent support meetings
  • Social programs such as dances, holiday events, field trips and much more
  • Community service projects
  • Competitive sports program (through participation with the Royals sports program)
  • Leadership and career development programs
  • Curriculum exchanges


What days does your co-op program run?


  •  Thursdays at the Oswego Church of Christ (our church consisting of 5 classroom specifically for JMA use)


What is the membership fee for joining JMA?


The cost per family is $50.00. This includes NYS LEAH membership. If you are already a current LEAH member through another LEAH Chapter, the cost is $20.00 for your family to join JMA. 


What are the times my kids will be at the JMA program?



9:00-11:45 am Morning                                  

11:45-12:15 pm Lunch         

12:15-3:00 pm Afternoon                                 


What does Montessori integrated learning mean?


Montessori integrated learning accommodates all learning styles because it understands that children learn in different ways. This also allows for students to control their own pace of learning. Students will work with many hands-on activities throughout their lessons.


Is JMA part of NYS LEAH/Homeschool NY?


Yes, we are chapter of NYS LEAH/Homeschool NY. Homeschool New York is a statewide organization dedicated to supporting and promoting home education throughout New York State.  One of its major purposes is to support a statewide network of local chapters by and for home educating parents. They monitor and advocate with the New York State Legislature and the State Education Department regarding developments on home education policy and regulations. They publish a quarterly newsletter, The Messenger, for member families, as well as provide members with special discounts from curriculum suppliers, free opportunities, and regular emails filled with encouragement and ideas. 


As an JMA member, am I also a Homeschool NY/LEAH member?


Yes. When you become a member of JMA, you also become a member of Homeschool NY/LEAH.  This membership gives us insurance, not for profit status, regional and state support, homeschool advocacy, HSLDA discount, and access to the many programs that Homeschool NY/LEAH offers. Click here for more information about Homeschool NY/LEAH. 


Is there more than one Homeschool NY/LEAH chapters in Oswego County?


Yes, there are a total of 5 chapters in Oswego County including JMA! We are truly blessed in Oswego County to have such a wonderful homeschool community in our area with something for every family. And yes, you can be part of more than one chapter. It’s called dual enrollment.  Families choose one of the chapters to be their  “primary chapter” and pay the membership fee. Then, they will pay what the other (secondary) chapter charges, minus $30 (which is what goes to Homeschool NY/LEAH). Each chapter may have differing requirements for membership. Membership to Homeschool NY/LEAH does not necessarily guarantee a membership into any particular chapter and membership in one chapter does not guarantee membership in another chapter.


Is there a dress code for participating at the weekly programs and, if so, what is it?


  • Any type of shirts/dresses in the colors red, white, blue, & grey (No graphics)
  • Pants/shorts/skirts/Jeans that are khaki, blue, or black 
  • No sweatpants, spaghetti strap tank tops, or leggings (used as a pant only). No jeans or pants that are torn or have holes in them. 
  • Leggings are fine worn under skirt or dress

For further details, please refer to the parent handbook or ask any board member for further information!


Does JMA accept donations?



School supplies, paper products, books, art supplies, monetary, and sports equipment.

*Before dropping anything off please email [email protected] for more information


Are there opportunities to volunteer at JMA?


We are always looking for helpers in the classroom, teachers, special events,  lawn service, snow removal, and fundraising 

*Please email [email protected] for more information on events,  lawn service, snow removal, or fundraising. 


What are the JMA By-laws?


JMA Bylaws